Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dinner- Bonett-Endara Family Household (Italy)

This Easter weekend I thought it would be appropriate to share my love of wine with my family and gain some credit as well. I had been keeping my family in contact with how my wine course was going and I mentioned the dinner assignment and my mother was thrilled to help! So naturally I picked up all the wines and gave her some dish ideas to pair them with. The following is each pairing of wine and dish, followed by a review of each gathered from my entire family.

Valpolicella w/lamb and potatoes, tomato sauce and rice: The Valpolicella had a distinct cherry taste and light dry finish. Very smooth finish.
The lamb paired very well with this wine because of the spicy taste and the potatoes compliment the sweet taste of the wine. My family enjoyed this one perhaps the most because we like red meat in our household and the red wine paired perfectly with the dark lamb.

Model land ars vitis Riesling w/ sea bass, chicken, salad, vegetables: This was a heavy meal that even my dad could barely finish!  the nose is cidery, scent of sugars and fruits. The taste is crisp like a soda, it has a very sweet finish. The sea bass pairs with the Riesling very well, the salad dressing compliments the sweet taste of the Riesling. I think the fish preceding the chicken is a good combination. The fish is lighter and the wine is has a light taste. The chicken with the veggies is a great way to finish this meal. My brother and father did not enjoy the chicken and veggies portion as much and mentioned that perhaps they would have paired better with a Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay. Interesting to hear someone else's opinion from time to time, so I accepted their critique.

Sparkling Shiraz w/ strawberry shortcake: Blackberry and black cherry nose. I think the strawberry shortcake is the best pairing of the evening because the Shiraz alone tastes like strawberry shortcake! Vanilla finish and compliments the whipped cream on the shortcake. My entire family enjoyed this portion because how can you not enjoy strawberry shortcake and a dessert wine!?

All in all, it was a great experience and the bonding time I had with my family after not seeing them since winter break was valuable. It was a nice break from the craziness of school and work, and this dinner came at a perfect time. Nothing like being around loved ones for a holiday and sharing some wine amongst each other. I cannot wait to try this again.
As my nephew Mason would say, "Stay thirsty my friends".

(Disclaimer: No minors were served alcohol at this dinner)

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